Tell Me More About Education, Guy Who Wants To End All Federal Funding For Education

July 16, 2014

As part of the Koch brothers new “well-being initiative,” which is nothing more than another apparatus to push their self-serving anti-government agenda, The Charles Koch Institute is hosting an education forum in Nashville.

The Koch brothers hosting a forum on education is ironic at best and offensive at worst. Consider that Koch-supported governors and budgets have already wreaked havoc, gutting education funding in states like Wisconsin and North Carolina. But slashing funding is only one step toward their ultimate goal…

When David Koch ran for vice president in 1980, his Libertarian ticket called for abolishing the Department of Education and ending ALL federal funding for education.

So this is the Kochs view of how to increase “well-being” — by eliminating federal funding for education. It’s all part of their self-serving crusade against government that would privatize everything from education to social security and eliminate environmental regulations that keep our air safe to breathe and our water safe to drink.

The Koch agenda is bad for the well-being of working families, and we don’t need a new initiative or an education forum to figure that much out.


Clark-Koch Ticket Recommended Abolishing The Department Of Education; Said “We Propose To End All Federal Funding And Control Of Education, And To Implement An Education Tax Credit Program To Allow Parents To Choose The Education They Prefer For Their Children.” In a white paper, Clark wrote, “Department of Education Abolish […] As the New York Times editorialized, ‘The supporters of a separate department speak vaguely of the need for a federal policy on education. We believe that they misunderstand the nature of American education, which is characterized by diversity.’ But this diversity is increasingly threatened by growing federal control of education. We propose to end all federal funding and control of education, and to implement an education tax credit program to allow parents to choose the education they prefer for their children.” [Clark For President White Paper On Taxing And Spending Reduction, 1980]

Paid for by American Bridge 21st Century Foundation