Kochs’ Intelligence Agency Gets A Boost With Pompeo At The CIA

November 18, 2016

Donald Trump has tapped Congressman Mike Pompeo to head the CIA for his administration. Trump isn’t the only one who’s happy with his pick though. The Kochs must be thrilled to have one of their own running the country’s spy agency — just the latest addition to their own personal “intelligence agency.”

The president-elect may see Pompeo as a Trump loyalist now, but he’s been a Koch puppet for years. Pompeo earned himself the nickname “the Congressman from Koch” after Koch Industries invested in his company Thayer Aerospace. During his 2014 re-election campaign, the Koch brothers and their employees poured more than $100,000 into the race in addition to $10,000 from Koch PAC.

Since his first day in Washington, he’s been a Koch man through and through. According to the Huffington Post, Pompeo’s work to undermine and hamper the EPA showed “the height of irresponsibility — sacrificing public safety […]

Using Another Boilerplate, Kochs Spread More Misinformation About ACA

March 17, 2016

Another week, another spate of formulaic, inaccurate op-eds disseminating from the Koch network.

The Kochs have a well-documented history of pushing boilerplate-style op-eds and letters to the editor to deceive readers into the belief that local, grassroots support exists for Koch policies. The Koch network has previously used this tactic to attack occupational licensing–a campaign which saw editorials in 36 states–and earlier this month used the same tactic in an attempt to undermine carbon regulations.

No longer content limiting its scope to funneling millions into far-right groups and causes, the Koch’s are now deploying Freedom Partners to manipulate opinion more directly. Nathan Nascimento, Director Of State Initiatives at Freedom Partners, has penned nearly identical criticisms of the Affordable Care Act in major publications targeting voters in eight states.

The Koch Network continued to endanger the lives of Americans by launching a series of copy-and-paste op-eds to spread misinformation about the ACA under such […]

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