Guess Those #Millennials Didn’t Like Koch Uncle Sam Ultrasounds

September 2, 2015

#Millennial. #Outreach. #Fail.

They didn’t break the news on Snapchat, but a new report from CNN reveals that Generation Opportunity, the Kochs’ youth outreach front group that tries to push their self-serving agenda to millennials, is a massive failure:

The president of one the top nonprofits bankrolled by Charles and David Koch has left the organization to start another major group in the powerful Republicans’ orbit, CNN has learned….[Generation Opportunity’s Executive Director Evan] Feinberg’s move is the most high-profile loss in what people familiar with Generation Opportunity describe as a string of senior level departures that are roiling the nonprofit group….Feinberg’s departure is one of many from Generation Opportunity: About 55% of the organization has left their jobs since late November, according to a comparison of staff lists on the organization’s website. 

Generation Opportunity tries to be a mouthpiece for the Koch agenda, aiming to put the Kochs’ own profit ahead of the interests of the same young people that the group claims to reach. The group made a big splash by scaring young people away from Obamacare and encouraged them to opt out of health coverage — literally risking students’ health in order to advance the right wing goal of repealing Obamacare. Generation Opportunity also backs eliminating government backed student loans and federal aid.

Ignoring their downright bizarre and sometimes creepy tactics, Generation Opportunity is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt by the Koch brothers to pander to young people and attempt to persuade them to back their self-enriching agenda. It’s easy to see why they’ve failed. 

But it’s not just Generation Opportunity. The Kochs have a full network of constituency group that push the billionaire brothers’ agenda that hurts the people they claim to represent. The Koch veterans group, Concerned Veterans for America, openly advocates for policies that hurt veterans, like privatizing the VA. And the Kochs’ so-called Hispanic outreach group, LIBRE, has pushed the Koch agenda that hurts the Hispanic community. 

Now that Generation Opportunity is circling the drain, the Kochs are gearing up to start yet another group, Stand Together for America, to push their self-interested agenda, this time to “moderate voters, along with voters generally disengaged from politics.” The Kochs even plucked one of their favorite operatives who ran Generation Opportunity into the ground to head up their attempt to deceive moderate voters.

The Kochs don’t care about these middle of the road Americans, they only care about one thing: their bottom line. And to grow their bottom line they support candidates that back their agenda that enriches them at the expense of middle class and working families. The Kochs’ oppose  Republicans who don’t back their far right agenda and support common sense policies like raising the minimum wage, improving access to health care, and protecting Social Security and Medicare. 

Grab some popcorn, Stand Together for America’s attempts disguise the Koch agenda could be their worst case yet, maybe they should just call it Stand Together for America the Koch Brothers.

Paid for by American Bridge 21st Century Foundation