The Kochs vs. the Pope: Equal Pay Edition

April 30, 2015

The Kochs won’t be too excited about Pope Francis’ latest advocacy issue. The pope is now unequivocally supporting equal pay — one of the brothers’ most loathed ideals. The religious leader called the wage gap between men and women “pure scandal” in a speech Wednesday.

“Why is it taken for granted that women must earn less than men? No! They have the same rights. The discrepancy is a pure scandal,” said Francis.

This is more than likely to set off the brothers against the pope once again. Koch Industries spent almost a million dollars lobbying against issues like the paycheck fairness in 2010, which would have brought the country closer to equal pay. 

In their audition for the Kochs’ invisible primary, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Jeb Bush all fall in line on equal pay. Scott Walker repealed the Wisconsin equal pay law and Rand Paul once compared such laws to the Soviet Politburo. Two Koch-backed organizations, the Independent Women’s Forum and Concerned Women for America, have also worked against equal pay, calling the pay gap a myth.

In 2012, the managing director of the Independent Women’s Forum penned a Forbes op-ed where she wrote, “Feminists may protest, but American women aren’t the victims of a sexist economy. It’s time to declare and end to the Equal Pay Day myth.”

Concerned Women for America also released a statement: “The Paycheck Fairness Act is a misguided policy proposal which will hurt businesses and the economy and is likely to backfire on its intended beneficiaries: working women.”

Let’s be clear: These organizations are funded by Charles and David Koch. The truth is the Kochs’ opposition to equal pay goes all the way back to David’s 1980 vice presidential bid.

The billionaires are currently struggling to infiltrate the Catholic church in lieu of the pope’s stance on climate change. It’s unlikely they’ll have much success with this issue; if not for Pope Francis, then the nuns busing across America to campaign against their dark money agenda are sure to do it.

Paid for by American Bridge 21st Century Foundation