New Ads On Declassified Docs The Kochs Don’t Want You To See Target Koch Employees

January 18, 2016

After the shocking revelation that the Kochs’ fortune has its origins in a refinery their father, Fred Koch, built for the Nazis, the Koch brothers have tried to diminish their family’s involvement with the regime. But declassified military files may have just made that impossible.

According to the files, unlike the Kochs have claimed, Koch construction contributed a substantial amount to the facility, building a a “cracking unit” that had “a capacity of 360,000 tons of oil per year… the [German company] Borsig unit was rated at just half that amount.”

Today, Bridge Project is introducing a digital ad campaign featuring the declassified files and the Kochs. The ads will run in Wichita, KS area, and target Koch network allies and political influencers.

“The Kochs have a long history of deceiving the public about their policies and motives, but this deception shows the depths of their shamelessness,” said American Bridge Vice President Eddie Vale. “Koch Industries needs to apologize for their collaboration with the Nazis, and until they do, candidates and organizations need to think long and hard before taking their tainted money.”


Paid for by American Bridge 21st Century Foundation