Marco Rubio, Ready for His Koch Close-Up

April 23, 2015

And so it begins… Just two days after Charles and David Koch announced the picks for their shadow primary, Marco Rubio, one of the five chosen ones, is eagerly jumping at the chance to audition.
According to NBC News, Rubio is participating in a conference call today with Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity to discuss the Export-Import Bank, which is the Koch’s latest pet project. 
The Kochs have been working to kill off the Ex-Im Bank through several of their organizations, including AFP, Freedom Partners, and the LIBRE Initiative. No surprise that the billionaires’ crusade to end Ex-Im is highly hypocritical. While they say, “the government should not be picking winners and losers,” the truth is Koch Industries has been one of the winners and received up to $16 million in assistance from the program.

This isn’t the first time the Kochs have showered praise on Rubio for opposing the Ex-Im Bank and it’s unlikely to be the last. The senator got the Kochs’ message loud and clear when they started their invisible primary.

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