Koch Front Group CVA Launches Attack Ads In Presidential Race

November 6, 2015

A new report from AP reveals the billionaire Koch brothers have started to pour money into attack ads through their so-called veterans group, Concerned Veterans for America.

One of the Kochs’ many front groups, Concerned Veterans for America, is spending at least $100,000 on attack ads because they want to buy the White House for a GOP candidate who will marching orders from Charles and David Koch and advance their self-enriching agenda, which includes privatizing the VA.>

From American Bridge VP Eddie Vale:

“The Koch brothers’ front groups are already pouring money attacks ads because they know that’s the only way to buy the White House for one of Charles and David Koch’s puppet candidates. On the Republican side, presidential candidates from Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush to Ted Cruz continue to endlessly tout how they back the Kochs’ self-enriching agenda, which is good for the Kochs but when their harmful agenda includes privatizing the VA, it hurts veterans and their families. Concerned Veterans for America is nothing more than a shady Koch front group that claims to put veterans first but really only works for Charles and David Koch.”

Despite claiming to work for veterans, CVA pushes the Koch agenda first and foremost — that means standing in opposition with nearly every other veterans organization and advocating for extreme right-wing policies that hurt our nation’s heroes.

From pushing a plan to privatize the VA health care system to proposing a transition from the current military retirement system to a private 401(k)-like plan, CVA follows the radical conservatism of the Koch brothers, working to advance the billionaires’ self-interest at the expense of veterans.

Over the summer, Bridge Project teamed up with VoteVets to put out a report on the shady group’s true intentions. (Check out the full report, The Veterans Group That Fights Against Veterans, here.)

In recently released audio CVA’s CEO, Pete Hegseth, admits the group only cares about politics, not about taking care of veterans. And another new report  exposed how CVA, along with the Kochs’ other so-called constituency groups, feed voter data back to the Kochs’ for-profit political data company that’s already selling data to the Kochs’ hand picked candidates.

CVA doesn’t care about advancing policies that are good for veterans, but works tirelessly to advance the politics of the Koch brothers.

Paid for by American Bridge 21st Century Foundation