Koch Attack Dogs Jump To Defend Grassley’s SCOTUS Obstructionism

April 4, 2016

Over the weekend, Concerned Women for America (CWA) once again helped the ranks of right-wing Koch allies attacking the Democrats and pushing for strict obstructionism in the Supreme Court nomination fight. In an op-ed for the Sioux City Journal, CWA’s Iowa state director Tamara Scott argued in favor of Senator Chuck Grassley and Mitch McConnell’s refusal to do their jobs:

But President Obama has excelled in subverting and undercutting the other two branches of government. His most recent effort was a blatant threat to move without congressional approval on a host of issues by exercising unprecedented executive power.
That abuse of power has exasperated the judicial nominations process and makes it crucial for all Senate Republicans to follow in Sen. Grassley’s and Sen. McConnell’s footsteps.

CWA brands itself as “the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization,” but in reality, it’s just another Koch front group that lobbies for the billionaires’ special interests. After Sen. Grassley’s week of disastrous town halls, it’s clear that the Kochs are increasing their attacks to protect their favorite incumbents and assist in holding the Supreme Court hostage. But their attack dogs are less than ideal.

Carrie Severino, policy director and chief counsel to the Judicial Crisis Network, suffered from extreme amnesia when she attacked Judge Merrick Garland after praising him in 2010, referring to the judge as “Obama’s strongest candidate.”

Similarly, Ed Meese III said the Senate should “let the people decide the next justice with their votes for the next president.” But in 2004 and 1986, Meese III criticized obstruction and told Senators to #DoTheirJobs instead of refusing to hold hearings or votes.

The Constitution calls for the Senate to “advise and consent,” but the Kochs and their shills are set on obstructing the confirmation of Judge Garland. That strategy could come at a heavy cost though, potentially losing the Republicans the majority in the Senate. No wonder the brothers have turned their focus (read: money) to down ballot candidates.

The Kochs’ latest attack through CWA is a hollow argument that won’t win over voters who want their senators to stop refusing to do their jobs and fill the vacancy.

Paid for by American Bridge 21st Century Foundation