Denver Post: Behind the scenes, Koch brothers spent big in Colorado, filings show

November 30, 2015

The billionaire Koch brothers promote themselves as libertarians who don’t fight the far right’s fight on social issues, but, as the Denver Post reports, the groups they bankrolled in 2014, including CitizenLink, Evangchr4 Trust, IACE Action, Colorado Women’s Alliance, and others, spent “tens of millions” pushing an extreme, far-right agenda — all in the name of electing one of the billionaire brothers’ puppet candidates in Colorado. 

Coloradans were kept in the dark until more than a year after the Kochs spent millions through shadowy front groups. Now, as the Koch network gears up to spend nearly $900 million in 2016, imagine what we’ll learn about what their money bought them in this election, but not until November 2017, of course.

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