AFP To 2016 Candidates: Pretend To Care About Income Inequality

June 17, 2015

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) has some advice for the 2016 GOP field — at least act like you care about income inequality.

In a Fox News interview, AFP president Tim Phillips said, “We think it’s important to have these candidates address [income inequality].” Is this a turning point for the Kochs? Have they changed their greedy ways?

No, the Kochs are not suddenly interested in eradicating the income gap or helping the poor. Phillips says it’s “because in 2012 [income inequality] was a killer. It really harmed and hurt Mitt Romney.” 

It’s rich for AFP to address income inequality — their website only has one extensive piece on the issue. Entitled “Federal Government Is Not The Solution To Income Inequality,” the organization argues against federal policies that benefit the working class such as the Buffet Rule and a federal minimum wage increase. The only “solution” ever offered is a call for the expansion of school choice through charter schools and school voucher programs.

AFP and the Kochs don’t want federal involvement in income inequality, but they do want the political power that will come with installing one of their own in the White House. Considering the 2016 hopefuls have already proved they’ll do anything to be the Kochs’ candidate, we can expect them to start talking more about the income gap, even if it’s only hollow rhetoric. The only mystery that remains is how AFP expects these candidates – who hope to hold our government’s highest office – to talk about how government “is not the solution.”

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